Fab Lab for Families

by [organizer anonymized for research purposes] added on 04 Jun 2021

Brief description:
Parent-child participants were invited to participate in a 7-week design and Making project at a as an afterschool activity twice a week. During their activities they work on intergeneration group projects based on their own ideas. During the practice they learn Digital fabrication processes that include for example 2D design and laser cutting or vinyl cutting, 3D design and Printing, electronics production, and programming.
(where the practice takes place)
(where the practice takes place)
Organization name:
(running the practice)
[organizer anonymized for research purposes]
Organization type:
Contact person:
Organizer has been anonymized for research purposes
Contact email:
(for further information and inquiries)
Social media:
Related resources:
(e.g., web site, publications,media)
Participants’ age groups:
Age independent
Indicative number of participants:
2 - 18
Oriented to a specific gender?
(for the same group of participants)
Multiple times per week [2-7]
Total duration:
(for the same group of participants)
2 hours
(where the practice takes place)
  • Community lab, FabLab, non-formal learning space, etc.
What are the role(s) of the adult(s) running the practice?
  • Facilitator
  • Mentor / Guide
During the practice, participants…
  • Make
  • Play
  • Code
Participants work…
  • In groups of...: children and parents
  • What type of materials do participants use?
    • Pen and paper
    • Craft supplies / Stationery
    • Woodworking materials
    • Computers
    • Mobile phones
    • Tablets
    • Boards / circuits
    • 3D printers
    • Laser cutters
    Pedagogical approach:
    • Problem-based learning
    • Project (or task)-based learning
    • Design-based learning
    • Collaborative-learning
    Social justice/equity approaches:
    • Activities are designed to empower participants and meet their needs
    Does the practice have (explicit or implicit) learning objectives?
    Implicit: No set learning objectives. However, during group work participants learn the basics of digital fabrication through working on their group project
    Is the practice (explicitly or implicitly) connected to school curricula?
    If connected in any way to school curricula, which subjects are covered?
    Does the practice aim to have an impact on the engagement / interest of participants with a particular scientific topic, concept, phenomena, theory or career?
    Yes: Digital fabrication (3D printing, laser cutting), programming and coding, design and Making, and arts and crafts.
    Does the practice aim to have an impact on the attitude of participants with a particular scientific topic, concept, phenomena, theory, or career?
    Does the practice aim to have an impact on the behavior of participants related to a particular scientific topic, concept, phenomena, theory, or career?
    Does the practice aim to have an impact on the development / reinforcement / practice of skills of participants?
    Yes: Digital fabrication (3D printing, laser cutting), programming and coding, design and Making, arts and crafts, collaboration, creativity
    Additional notes: